The following softwares have been installed in March 2022
CONCOCT version: 1.1.0
Description:A program for unsupervised binning of metagenomic contigs by using nucleotide composition, coverage data in multiple samples and linkage data from paired end reads.
URL: https://concoct.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
Command to load its environment: module load bioinfo/concoct/1.1.0
picrust2 version: 2.4.2
Description: a software for predicting functional abundances based only on marker gene sequences.
URL: https://github.com/picrust/picrust2
Command to load its environment: module load bioinfo/picrust2/2.4.2
mosdepth version: 0.3.3
Description: Stats on coverage and depth (NGS)
URL: https://github.com/brentp/mosdepth
Command to load its environment: module load bioinfo/mosdepth/0.3.3
ppanggolin version: 1.2.74
Description: software suite used to create and manipulate prokaryotic pangenomes from a set of either genomic DNA sequence
URL: https://github.com/labgem/PPanGGOLiN
Command to load its environment: module load bioinfo/ppanggolin/1.2.74
panacota version: 1.3.1
Description: PANgenome with Annotations, COre identification, Tree and corresponding Alignments
URL: https://github.com/gem-pasteur/PanACoTA
Command to load its environment: module load bioinfo/panacota/1.3.1
panaroo version: 1.2.10
Description: An updated pipeline for pangenome investigation
URL: https://github.com/gtonkinhill/panaroo
Command to load its environment: module load bioinfo/panaroo/1.2.10
flye version: 2.9
Description: De novo assembler for single molecule sequencing reads using repeat graphs
URL: https://github.com/fenderglass/Flye
Command to load its environment: module load bioinfo/flye/2.9
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