Tutorials – How to reserve cluster resources?

How to reserve cluster resources

Description How to reserve cluster resources
Related-course materials Howtos cluster i-Trop
Authors Julie Orjuela (, Christine Tranchant (
Creation Date 10/02/2022
Last Modified Date 20/01/2025


How to resource cluster resources ?

How to reserve cluster resources ?

If you start a new analysis, you wonder what partition, nodes and resources ( number of cpu and RAM memory) you need .

In this tutorial, you can find a survival to know how to reserve cluster resources.


1. Who is working on the cluster ?

First, check who is working on the cluster to have an overview of load cluster.

Using squeue command, you can observe jobs, users, partitions, state of every jobs and which nodes have been allocated to which jobs.

It can give you an idea of what nodes can be used or not.

orjuela@master0 ~]$ squeue
            983603    normal    beast   orjuela  R    5:23:05      1 node20
            983602    normal    beast   orjuela  R    5:23:11      1 node20
            983605    normal    beast   orjuela  R    5:16:24      1 node20
            983604    normal    beast   orjuela  R    5:16:32      1 node20
            983607    normal    beast   orjuela  R    5:09:15      1 node20
            983606    normal    beast   orjuela  R    5:09:21      1 node20
            983596    normal FlyeRave   tando  R    5:57:46      1 node20
            983594    normal Unicycl_   tando  R    5:11:57      1 node13
         982965_71    normal range_r0     comte  R      13:36      1 node18
         982965_70    normal range_r0     comte  R   15:01:36      1 node18
         982965_69    normal range_r0     comte  R 1-04:32:15      1 node18
         982965_68    normal range_r0     comte  R 1-07:58:54      1 node19
         982965_67    normal range_r0     comte  R 1-13:14:58      1 node19
         982965_66    normal range_r0     comte  R 1-22:58:13      1 node19

squeue command has a lot of options, use -u option to check allocated resources to a user, in this case "totoro", is waiting for resources but some jobs are running into node 18 and 19.

    982965_[74-89]    normal range_r0     totoro PD       0:00      1 (AssocGrpCpuLimit)
         982965_73    normal range_r0     totoro  R    1:28:27      1 node19
         982965_72    normal range_r0     totoro  R    3:31:51      1 node18
         982965_71    normal range_r0     totoro  R    5:59:55      1 node18
         982965_70    normal range_r0     totoro  R   20:47:55      1 node18
         982965_69    normal range_r0     totoro  R 1-10:18:34      1 node18
         982965_68    normal range_r0     totoro  R 1-13:45:13      1 node19

2. How to choose a adapted partition for my data analysis ?

Depending on the type of jobs (analysis), you can choose between different partitions.
The partitions are waiting lists, each with specific priorities and constraints such as the size, the time limit of a job or the users authorized to use it, etc.

In this table, we list differents partitions availables on our cluster and some details about RAM and CPU number.

partition role nodes Number of Cores Ram on nodes
short Short Jobs < 1 day (higher priority,interactive jobs) 13-16,18,27 12 to 24 cores 48 to 144 GB
normal job of maximum 7 days 0,1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 13, 17, 20,21, 22-24, 17, 30 12 to 112 cores 64 to 512GB
long <7 days< long jobs< 45 days 8,10,12 12 to 24 cores 48 GB
highmem jobs with more memory needs 28,29 112 cores 512 GB
supermem jobs with much more memory needs 25 40 cores 1 TB
gpu Need of analyses on GPU cores 26 24 cpus and 8 GPUS cores 192 GB

Jobs are prioritized and processed using the resources (CPU and RAM) of the nodes that make up these partitions.

  • By default, the chosen partition is the normal partition. On this partition, job are killed after 7 days !!

  • If you need to test a command line or a script, use the short partition.

  • The highmem and highmemplus partitions should only be used for jobs requiring at least 35-40GB of memory.

  • The supermem partition has to be used for large assemblies and jobs requiring more than 100GB of memory.

  • The gpu partition is used for nanopore basecalling, polishing/correction and for machine learning algorithms.

NOTE : nodes 29-30 that belong to the highmemplus, are news and very little used !

The partition can be chosen following this scheme. But in a general way, check cpu number and memory needed by the tool you want to use.

Time estimation can be tricky, we recommended to seek for advice from the bioinformaticians in your UMR (error/experience balance !).

In below table, we put in some examples, with usecases to help you in the choice of partitions.

Rules Partition Some tools Comments
basecalling/demultiplexing/correction gpu medaka/guppy/machine learning tools request for access to the necessary partition
assemblies >100G RAM supermem miniasm/flye/raven/smartdenovo genome target > 400 Mb (riz genome assembly does not consume 100GB)
genomicsbd (gatk) > 100G RAM supermem GATK genomicsDB genome target > 400 Mb (>10 samples)
assemblies => 35G et < 100G RAM highmem miniasm/flye/raven/smartdenovo 100 Mb > genome target > 400 Mb
population genomics long
simulations long
metagenomics normal quiime2/frogs
mapping normal bwa/minimap2/hisat2 need a lot of cores but not a lot of RAM. It is necessary to reserve the number of cores that the tool will use.
genotyping normal GATK haplotypecaller/samtools mpileup/bcftools need a lot of cores but not a lot of RAM. It is necessary to reserve the number of cores that the tool will use.
statistics normal R
scripts debugging and test short bash/python/R

In any case, to use a determinate partition, use the -p option (or --partition parameter) with the srun or sbatch command line, in which partition can be normal, long, supermem, highmem, highmemplus, or gpu.

sbatch -p partition
srun -p partition

3. Which node to use for resources reservation ?

Once you have decided what partition to use, check nodes! .

So, you now need to know if people is working in the nodes of this partition.

Several options are possible for you.

We recommendated to use squeue to check allocated ressources in this particular node. For example in node8.

[orjuela@master0 ~]$ squeue | grep 'node18' -
         982965_72    normal range_r0     elie  R    4:19:51      1 node18
         982965_71    normal range_r0     elie  R    6:47:55      1 node18
         982965_70    normal range_r0     elie  R   21:35:55      1 node18
         982965_69    normal range_r0     elie  R 1-11:06:34      1 node18
         982965_65    normal range_r0     elie  R 2-08:11:31      1 node18
         982965_60    normal range_r0     elie  R 2-19:40:38      1 node18
         982965_57    normal range_r0     elie  R 3-17:21:45      1 node18

squeue command with more options can help you to ckeck cpu and mem allocated by user in the chosen node .

In this example, 4 threads per job has been reserved but RAM memory was not specified.

[orjuela@master0 ~]$ squeue -O jobID,name:40,partition,nodelist,NumCPUs,MinMemory,state,timeused  | grep 'node18' -
983654              range_r0                                normal              node18              4                   0                   RUNNING             4:23:09             
983634              range_r0                                normal              node18              4                   0                   RUNNING             6:51:13             
983587              range_r0                                normal              node18              4                   0                   RUNNING             21:39:13            
983538              range_r0                                normal              node18              4                   0

You can also go inside node and use the htop command to visualize the memory consumed by a process.

ssh node18

4. How to check /scratch space ?

If you have decided to work in a specific node, you also have to check /scratch space.

To check occupancy percent of /scratch temporal repertory in each node, use the df -h command line.

In the node8 for example the /scratch is ocupated to 1% from 13To.

Sys. de fichiers   Taille Utilisé Dispo Uti% Monté sur
/dev/sda2             29G    8,8G   19G  33% /
devtmpfs              24G       0   24G   0% /dev
tmpfs                 24G       0   24G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                 24G     57M   24G   1% /run
tmpfs                 24G       0   24G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sdb1             13T    734M   12T   1% /scratch
/dev/sda1            477M    145M  308M  32% /boot
/dev/sda5            257G     78M  244G   1% /tmp
nas3:/data3           66T     61T  4,9T  93% /data3
nas2:/data            44T     41T  3,3T  93% /data
nas:/home            5,9T    5,4T  546G  91% /home
nas:/teams           5,0T    3,2T  1,9T  63% /teams
master0:/usr/local   2,5T    1,7T  824G  68% /usr/local
master0:/opt          50G     21G   30G  42% /opt
tmpfs                4,8G       0  4,8G   0% /run/user/0
nas:/data2            28T     25T  3,1T  89% /data2
tmpfs                4,8G       0  4,8G   0% /run/user/35449

NOTE : In some nodes, check /tmp line percentage instead of /scratch.

5. Ressources summary

You can find here a summary of nodes resources. You can find the node composition of each partition, the number of CPU available and the total RAM memory total of the node and its memory/cpu.

srun or sbatch arguments can be set easily with the --mem to reserve the total memory for a job.

For the --mem-per-cpu argument, you need to know how many Gb/cpu to use.

With this table, you know it all now !!

NOTE: New nodes specifications (in blue) can be found at the end of this table !! Check it out !

node partitions CPU RAM total (Gb) RAM by CPU (Gb/cpu) scratch size (To)
node0 normal 24 144 6 14
node1 normal 24 144 6 2
node2 short 56 193 3 14
node3 normal 64 144 2 14
node4 normal 72 257 4 14
node5 normal 88 516 6 14
node7 normal 24 145 6 3
node8 long 24 48 2 14
node9 normal 64 144 2 3 14
node10 long 24 48 2 5,4
node11 runner 24 48 2 3
node12 long 12 64 5 3
node13 short, normal 12 64 5 14
node14 short 12 64 5 14
node15 short 12 64 5 3
node16 short 12 64 5 3
node17 normal 48 144 3 14
node18 short 12 64 5 3
node19 normal 12 64 5 3
node20 normal 20 64 3 3
node21 normal 24 144 6 14
node22 normal 20 64 3 3
node23 normal 20 64 3 3
node24 normal 20 64 3 3
node25 supermem 40 1 032 26 14
node26 gpu 24 192 8 14
node27 normal 24 144 6 14
node28 highmem 112 514 5 8
node29 highmem 112 514 5 8
node30 normal 112 514 5 8
node31 global 112 514 5 8

All informations regarding a node can be also obtained with the scontrol or sinfo -Nl command line.

with scontrol ...

[orjuela@node18 ~]$ scontrol show nodes node18
NodeName=node18 Arch=x86_64 CoresPerSocket=6 
   CPUAlloc=12 CPUTot=12 CPULoad=12.01
   NodeAddr=node18 NodeHostName=node18 
   OS=Linux 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jan 4 01:06:37 UTC 2018 
   RealMemory=64232 AllocMem=0 FreeMem=9361 Sockets=2 Boards=1
   State=ALLOCATED ThreadsPerCore=1 TmpDisk=2700000 Weight=1 Owner=N/A MCS_label=N/A
   BootTime=2021-03-17T16:07:03 SlurmdStartTime=2021-05-20T12:30:01
   CurrentWatts=0 AveWatts=0
   ExtSensorsJoules=n/s ExtSensorsWatts=0 ExtSensorsTemp=n/s

or with sinfo ...

[orjuela@node18 ~]$ sinfo -Nl
Thu Feb 10 23:40:09 2022
node0          1       short        idle   24   2:12:1 144786  1334989      1   (null) none                
node0          1     normal*        idle   24   2:12:1 144786  1334989      1   (null) none                
node1          1       short        idle   24   2:12:1 144786  1800000      1   (null) none                
node1          1     normal*        idle   24   2:12:1 144786  1800000      1   (null) none                
node27         1     highmem        idle   24   2:12:1 144785  1321002      1   (null) none                
node28         1 highmemdell       mixed  112   2:28:2 514258  7626760      1   (null) none                
node29         1 highmemdell        idle  112   2:28:2 514247  7626760      1   (null) none                
node30         1 highmemdell        idle  112   2:28:2 514258  7626760      1   (null) none                
node31         1      global        idle  112   2:28:2 514258  7626760      1   (null) none 


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