Tutorial describing the use of the i-Trop cluster
By Ndomassi TANDO | 01/02/2024
how to add ssh keys on your computer to conncet remote servers without password
By Ndomassi TANDO | 06/02/24
This page describes the main commands needed to allocate resources in cluster.
By Christine. Tranchant-Dubreuil et Julie Orjuela-Bouniol
How connect on HPC
By christine Tranchant-Dubreuil | 11/03/2018
Use of Slurm on the i-Trop cluster.
Par Ndomassi TANDO | 08/11/2019
By christine Tranchant-Dubreuil | 20/10/2018
R tutorial
By christine Tranchant-Dubreuil | 21/09/2018
Polymorphism detection from fastq files on a linux terminal
By christine Tranchant-Dubreuil | 10/03/2017
Commands to manipulate VCF files
By christine Tranchant-Dubreuil | 25/03/2018
This page describes how to launch FROGs in command line from IRD cluster.
By Julie ORJUELA | 22/03/2019
Metabarcoding using Qiime2 and DADA2
By Marie Simonin and Julie Orjuela | 22/03/2019
De novo transcriptome assembly and functional annotation of transcrits.
By Julie Orjuela | 10/08/2018
Know how to use GPU node in I-Trop cluster By Julie ORJUELA and Aurore COMTE | 27/01/2020
Git tutorial
By Christine Tranchant-Dubreuil | 10/03/2017
This page describes describes the main commands you need in order to use Docker.
By Christine Tranchant-Dubreuil
Know how to How to choose specific node features with –constraint option
Know how to use the infiniband network to transfer your data faster from/to the san
Know how to use mutualized partition /scratch-ib with infiniband nodes
By Ndomassi TANDO | 07/03/2025