As data volume and complexity increase in life science, bioinformatics became central, and consequently there is the strong need of training non bioinformatician people to a wide variety of rapidly evolving thematics and skills. We offer practical courses in bioinformatics-related topics ranging from basic skills such as introduction to Linux or HPC usage to advanced data analysis such as Next-Generation Sequencing Data Analysis or perl programming. These training courses aim at enabling life scientists to effectively handle and analyze biological data. They are specially opened to the scientists from itrop units or to our partners across the world.
- All
- 2019
- 2021
- Linux
- Coding
- HPC usage
- HPC admin
- Workflow
Linux for Dummies
This course offers an introduction to work with Linux.
Linux for Jedi
This course offers to develop and enhance advanced Linux shell command line and scripting skills for the processing and analysis of NGS data.
This course provides an introduction to programming using python.
This course provides an introduction to programming using Perl.
Workflows manager
This course introduces the 2 commonly used workflow managers in the South Green Bioformatics platform.
This course is an introduction to the Galaxy environment.
This course introduces TOGGLe (Toolbox for Generic NGS Analyses), a framework to quickly build pipelines and to perform large-scale NGS analysis.
This course offers an introduction to RNASeq analyses using two different workflow management systems: Galaxy and TOGGLe.
This course offers an introduction to metabarcoding analyses.
Assembling and functionally annotating a de-novo transcriptome from RNA-seq data.
HPC i-Trop
This course is an introduction to the use of the i-Trop cluster.
HPC avancé
This course continue à expliquer comment travailler sur les clusters South Green.
HPC Ouaga
Ce cours permet de s’initier à l’utilisation du cluster de calcul de l’Université Joseph Kizerbo de Ouagadougou.
HPC admin - module 1
Cette formation est destinée à des administrateurs systèmes. Elle permet d’apprendre à configurer un cluster de calcul de manière simple.
HPC admin - module 2
Cette formation est destinée à des administrateurs systèmes. Elle fait suite au Module1 et apporte des compétences complémentaires.