Tutorials – How to choose specific node features

How to choose specific node features

Description Use the --constraint option of Slurm
Author ndomassi TANDO (
Creation Date 01/02/2024
Last Modified Date 20/01/2025

Reserving one or several cores of a  node using  --constraint option:

Features/Constraints allow users to make very specific requests to the scheduler. On our cluster, with have different features depending on what you need.

Features Description Nodes
512 allows to select 512 GB RAM memory nodes in highmem partition node5, node28,node29,node30
amd-epyc allows to select amd-epyc processors nodes node3,node9
avx allows to select nodes with avx processors node0, node1, node3,node4, node5, node7, node9, node17, node18, node20, node21, node22, node23, node24, node25, node26, node27, node28, node29, node31
BEAST allows to select nodes to use BEAST with beagle node4, node7, node28, node29, node30
dell allows to select dell nodes node28,node29,node30
geforce allows to choose gpu nodes with geforce graphical card node26
infiniband allows to select infiniband nodes to speed up your data transfer node0, node1, node3, node4, node5, node7, node8, node9, node11, node17, node20, node21, node22, node24, node25, node26, node27
rtx2080 allows to select nodes with rtx2080 gpu cards node26
xeon allows to select nodes with intel xeon processors node0, node1, node5,node8, node10, node11, node12, node13, node14, node15, node16, node17, node18, node20, node21, node22, node23, node24, node25, node27
xeon-gold allows to select nodes with intel xeon-gold processors node4, node7, node26, node28, node29, node30, node31

To see the available features per nodes, type the following command:

sinfo -o "%20N %10c %10m %40f %10G "

To use one o several features, you have to use the --constraint option

For example, to choose a node with avx processors , you will type:

srun constraint=avx --pty bash -i

For example, to choose a node with infiniband and 512 GB of ram on highmem partition, you will type:

srun -p highmem --constraint=512,infiniband --pty bash -i