SGE installation
Description | Installation of Sun Grid Engine |
Related-course materials | HPC Administration Module1 |
Authors | Ndomassi TANDO ( |
Creation Date | 23/09/2019 |
Last Modified Date | 23/09/2019 |
- Definition
- Prerequisites
- SGE installation
- Master Server installation
- Nodes installation
- Links
- License
SGE (SUN Grid Engine) is a linux job scheduler able to handle from 2 to thousands of servers at the same time.
One master server use the resources (CPU or RAM)of one or several nodes to perform analyses.
● An opensource tool
● 3 main functions :
Allocates ressources (CPU,RAM) to users to allow them to
launch their analyses -
Provides a frame to launch,execute et monitore the jobs on the
whole allocated nodes -
Deals with jobs in queue wait
you have to choose a nfs parttion shared between your master and your node.
$yum -y install epel-release
$ yum -y install jemalloc-devel openssl-devel ncurses-devel pam-devel libXmu-devel hwloc-devel hwloc hwloc-libs java-devel javacc ant-junit libdb-devel motif-devel csh ksh xterm db4-utils perl-XML-Simple perl-Env xorg-x11-fonts- ISO8859-1-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi
$ yum install –y gcc
$ groupadd -g 490 sgeadmin
$ useradd -u 495 -g 490 -r -m -d /home/sgeadmin -s /bin/bash sgeadmin
SGE installation:
$ wget
$ cd sge-8.1.9/source/
$ sh scripts/ && ./aimk && ./aimk –man
$ export SGE_ROOT=<NFS_SHARE_DIR> && mkdir –p $SGE_ROOT
$ echo Y | ./scripts/distinst -local -allall -libs –noexit
$ chown -R sgeadmin.sgeadmin $SGE_ROOT
Master server installation:
On the master server type:
$ yum -y install nfs-utils
$ cd $SGE_ROOT
$ ./install_qmaster
You will be asked to mention:
The Grid Engine administrator name
The value of $SGE_ROOT
The number of the TCP port ( 6444 by default)
The Grid Engine service Name
The number of the TCP port for sge_execd (6445 by default)
The Grid Engine cell name (leave default)
The spool directory path
The spooling method
group ID range for Grid Engine
Accept the installation of booting scripts
Do not install shadow server
The list of administration and submit hosts : put your master server in both
To finish the installation, launch the following commands:
$ cp $SGE_ROOT/default/common/ /etc/profile.d/
$ cp $SGE_ROOT/default/common/settings.csh /etc/profile.d/SGE.csh
If you have serveral nodes: allow the nfs export of the SGE PATH to the other nodes of the cluster:
In /etc/exports
$ /usr/local/sge IP_range_nodes/24(rw,no_root_squash)
Start and enable the nfs service:
$ systemctl start rpcbind nfs-server
$ systemctl enable rpcbind nfs-server
Nodes installation:
if you have several nodes, make sure they appear in the /etc/hosts
Mount the SGE_ROOT path on the node:
$ yum -y install nfs-utils
$ systemctl start rpcbind
$ systemctl enable rpcbind
$ mount –t nfs <master>:/usr/local/sge /usr/local/sge
$ systemctl start rpcbind nfs-server
$ systemctl enable rpcbind nfs-server
Launch the installation of the node:
$ export SGE_ROOT=/usr/local/sge
$ export SGE_CELL=default
$ cd $SGE_ROOT
$ ./install_execd
After answering all the questions:
$ cp $SGE_ROOT/default/common/ /etc/profile.d/
$ cp $SGE_ROOT/default/common/settings.csh /etc/profile.d/SGE.csh
- Related courses : [HPC Trainings]((