i-Trop HPC
The computing cluster, hosted in the “Centre Informatique National de l’Enseignement Supérieur (CINES)” is composed of :
- 1SAN storage for data projects temporary storage up to 800TB
- 1 master server
- 32 CPU nodes (1148 cores and 6329GB of RAM)
- 1 GPU servers with 8 graphics cards RTX 2080.
Every user has access to a personal home of 100 GB and can run analysis simultaneously on 32 CPU. It’s possible to ask a project space (500 GB to 2TB) that can be shared between several users.
The access of the GPU node is on request only and for a limited period of time.
Priorities are managed by SLURM. To get a permament account, the users have to follow an training course within 2 months following the opening of the accoun

The i-Trop structure obtained the ISO 9001 certification in january 2021.

Requests forms
Account requests :
Project requests :
Software installation and update :
Other requests :
For other requests, please contact bioinfo@ird.fr
Cite i-Trop
To quote us, please copy the following sentence into your publications:
“The authors acknowledge the ISO 9001 certified IRD itrop HPC (member of the South Green Platform) at IRD montpellier for providing HPC resources that have contributed to the research results reported within this paper. URL: https://bioinfo.ird.fr/- http://www.southgreen.fr”